Dr. Shikha Srivastava
Obstetritian and Gynaecologist
Dr. Shikha Srivastava, is an Obstetritian and Gynaecologist, & a public health specialist with over three-decades of experience of working with leading national and international organizations. She has touched upon almost all health areas including, family planning, maternal and child health, cervical cancer prevention, non-communicable diseases, gender etc. At Engender Health, she led clinical training programs while with World Bank, she worked with the system on health-system-development in Uttar Pradesh. As a Senior Advisor Technical Services, at PSI, she was the prime technical lead for variety of PSI’s project including Women’s Health Project, Gates funded EAQ Project to name a few. Dr Srivastava is deeply engaged with Federation of Obsetertrics & Gynaecological Societies India (FOGSI), and other professional bodies. She has been instrumental in development of curriculum, guidelines for IUCD/sterilization services, hormonal contraceptives, Injectable contraceptives etc. She is the recipient of prestigious ‘PSI’s Presidents award for the Women’s Health Program, 2015.