Dr. Shikha Srivastava

Obstetritian and Gynaecologist

Dr. Shikha Srivastava, is an Obstetritian and Gynaecologist, & a public health specialist with over three-decades of experience of working with leading national and international organizations. She has touched upon almost all health areas including, family planning, maternal and child health, cervical cancer prevention, non-communicable diseases, gender etc. At Engender Health, she led clinical training programs while with World Bank, she worked with the system on health-system-development in Uttar Pradesh. As a Senior Advisor Technical Services, at PSI, she was the prime technical lead for variety of PSI’s project including Women’s Health Project, Gates funded EAQ Project to name a few. Dr Srivastava is deeply engaged with Federation of Obsetertrics & Gynaecological Societies India (FOGSI), and other professional bodies. She has been instrumental in development of curriculum, guidelines for IUCD/sterilization services, hormonal contraceptives, Injectable contraceptives etc. She is the recipient of prestigious ‘PSI’s Presidents award for the Women’s Health Program, 2015.

Each day, our team works tirelessly to add colors in the struggling lives of millions in need. With a steady resolve to bring quality life on the doorsteps of those who cannot afford it, we work on ground, sowing the seeds of opportunities in the homes of millions and ensuring that they grow and sustain into plants of peace and happiness and success stories.

You are the reason we continue and will continue to make a visible difference in the lives of many. Because you make us believe that helping hands are and always will be better than praying lips.

C-445, Chittaranjan Park

New Delhi-110019
