Paving the Way to Better Health In Her Community

Pinki herself got screened for cervical cancer at a camp organized by PSI India, and she was tested positive. She was treated with cryotherapy at a nearby PSI India network private facility for a very small fee. She had the full support of her three daughters and husband Rajendera since they did not want to lose another family member.

As a responsible mother, she has also committed to bringing her three teenage girls to the District Women Hospital in Lucknow for the free HPV vaccination.She says, "Once my daughter receives the HPV vaccine, I will be better able to counsel mothers of other girls in my community and would handle any types of preconceived notions about cervical cancer prevention vaccination”. She believes that she has found her life's purpose and that by working on the cause of cervical cancer prevention she is trulyhonoring her late sister.

"In the past year, I have provided my house courtyard space
to organize many outreach camps for women and personally
mobilized around 200 above women for pre cancer
she says.

Each day, our team works tirelessly to add colors in the struggling lives of millions in need. With a steady resolve to bring quality life on the doorsteps of those who cannot afford it, we work on ground, sowing the seeds of opportunities in the homes of millions and ensuring that they grow and sustain into plants of peace and happiness and success stories.

You are the reason we continue and will continue to make a visible difference in the lives of many. Because you make us believe that helping hands are and always will be better than praying lips.

C-445, Chittaranjan Park

New Delhi-110019
