Amroha’s master coaches are sustaining the impact made during TCI’s direct engagement after graduation
“TCI gave us a mantra to leverage the support of other departments, which has shown positive results after graduation especially.”
“Since the inception of TCI, we have considered the initiative a part of NUHM. In February 2021, Amroha moved to the graduation stage. And since then, we have not faced any major challenge. Since graduation, I have mainly utilized approaches such as using data effectively, fixed-day static (FDS) service, strengthening urban ASHAs and convergence for implementation and to coach staff of the health department. The best part is without any follow-up every Thursday all urban primary health centers (UPHCs) are organizing weekly FDS/Antral diwas because facility staff, ANMs (auxiliary nurse midwives), and ASHAs (accredited social health activists) are well-coached on their responsibilities, and FDS reports are timely submitted to us.
In large convergence platforms, like District Health Society, NUHM, and FP Review meetings, I present urban family planning data and ensure action points are developed and adhered to. Based on family planning HMIS data, I prioritize low-performing UPHCs and, along with Nodal Sir [another master coach], plan a regular visit to the facilities. Through these joint visits, I coach UPHC staff and support them in mitigating challenges. Recently, I resolved the supplies issue by taking the support of the FPLMIS Manager, also coached by me. He reoriented the UPHC staff on the online indenting process, and this step has improved the family planning results of low-performing UPHCs.
The quarterly city coordination committee meetings are conducted timely, and I ensure that representatives of other departments accomplish tasks assigned to them.
The only challenge we have faced is to coach newly appointed urban ASHAs regularly, as this is not a stable position. For this, we took advantage of the ASHA and ANM monthly meeting as a capacity-building platform to mentor new ASHAs on family planning counseling skills through ANMs. We ensure that in each ASHA and ANM meeting, staff from NUHM department participates and coaches the community health workers on any relevant health topics and sets their monthly priorities.
Moving forward, we are strengthening the use of the 2BY2 prioritization tool to assist ASHAs to prioritize their family planning clients, and help make timely decisions based on the aggregated 2BY2 matrices.”
TCI’s master coaches are ensuring that the impact created during TCI’s direct engagement is sustained. Their continued role in capacity transfer, decision-making and oversight of implementation of the high-impact interventions is making a noticeable increase in Amroha’s annual family planning client volume at the UPHC and city level – which includes UPHC and district level facilities.
The graph shows the 40% and 14% increase in annual client volume at the UPHC and city level, respectively, for two fiscal years (i.e., from April 2019-March 2020 to April 2020-March 2021). Similarly, HMIS data on intrauterine contraceptive devices and Antara (injectable contraceptive) uptake at the UPHC and city level in the last six months after graduation indicates that the city’s performance following the worst period of the COVID-19 pandemic is back on track both at the UPHC and city level.
Ahsan Ali, an Urban Health Coordinator with the National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) in Amroha, is a master coach for the graduated city. He recently shared his thoughts on how the city is doing after graduating from TCI.